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Great Fire Mitigation Work Done in Crescent Park

Excerpt from the article in the March 2024 Mountain Messenger

The Crescent Park Community Fire Protection Association (CPCFPA) is a volunteer-led

organization established in 2021 and tasked with developing fire mitigation plans and

projects to keep the people, properties, animals and the environment in and surrounding

Crescent Park safe from damaging and destructive wildfires.

The founding members and association officers are Barbara Mazurowski, President;

Tony Carmeli, Vice President; Steve Shelton, Treasurer; Jean Tinder, Secretary; Lea

McComas, Educational Director; Inge Segelmann, Director; Michelle Courtney, Grant

Director; and David Murphy, Director; worked hard in getting the organization up and

running and established this organization as a Nonprofit 501(c) 3 within the first few


During 2021 and 2022 the CPCFPA joined with the Crescent Park HOA in providing

slash events for the entire Community and held annual Educational Events to educate

the Community in the Fire Mitigation activities that they can use to help keep their

families, and properties fire safe. Also, during 2022, the CPCFPA provided grant funding

to certify two Home Inspection Zone (HIZ) Auditors: Al Cook and Marcus Duffy. These

trained resources are available for HIZ inspections throughout Coal Creek Canyon, not

just Crescent Park. Approximately 15 HIZ inspections (with support from Blue

Mountain) have been performed. Home Inspection Zone (HIZ) events have been

underway in the community and will continue. Residents learn how to reduce a home's

risk of igniting in the event of a wildfire and have completed significant defensible space

in their neighborhood and meaningful home hardening upgrades. And, also help fire

fighters safely protect their property.

This organization is fortunate to continue its mission due to new members and new

property owners that are giving their time and energy to support the mission of

Community Fire Protection.

After a very productive 2023, The CPCFPA is planning mitigation events for 2024 that

will help make the plan unit a Fire Adapted Community.

The community has earned a Certificate of Recognition from the National Firewise USA

Program acknowledging that Crescent Park Community Fire Protection Association has

successfully completed the Firewise program’s annual requirements for 2023 and is a

designated Firewise USA Community. This was accomplished because many residents

participated in clearing properties of slash and disposing of slash during 2022 and a

slash event in July 0f 2023 which was supported by United Power. The United Power

slash event of 2023 resulted in participation by approximately 35 properties, 20

truckloads of chipped slash equaling 644 cubic yards of slash, and over 690 hours of

volunteer hours devoted to fire mitigation. In addition to the United Power slash event,

the CPCFPA volunteers also participated in the Team Rubicon event hosted by Saws

and Slaws in 2023 working in both Copperdale and Crescent Park communities.

CPCFPA efforts will continue in 2024 and will include the establishment of an alternate

emergency evacuation route, additional slash disposal events, inviting Team Rubicon to

Crescent Park to assist property owners in mitigation, working with Colorado Forestry

Service to clear land areas to create a fire break, and provide information for property

clearing from a consulting forester during the annual education event.

The CPCFPA is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible.

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