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Our Projects

We've officially received 501(c)(3) status, and we're developing a fire protection plan, conducting HIZ audits, and applying for grants to fund fire mitigation projects and emergency evacuation egress routes. Meanwhile, we will engage in community outreach and education to help residents of Crescent Park learn ways to reduce fire danger in their homes and properties. We need your help. Please consider volunteering with and/or donating to the CPCFPA.

Project 1. HIZ Audits

Crescent Park has met the criteria and has been designated a Firewise® community. This was accomplished in part through the availability of Home Ignition Zone (HIZ) audits which are walk-through evaluations and fire protection education sessions by one of our two trained HIZ inspectors. These HIZ audits cover structure hardening (outdoor only) with comments on defensible space in Zones 1 and 2 surrounding the home. It is a great chance for community residents to learn how to best protect their homes. There is no cost for Crescent Park residents. If you would like to schedule an inspection of your home, please email HIZ inspectors: Al Cook, ; Marcus Duffy,
Project 2. Fire Mitigation 


A community slash chipping event is planned for summer 2024, details forthcoming.

Project 3. Emergency Egress TBD


One of the CPCFPA's most important projects is to establish an alternate evacuation route and to obtain grants to fund the project. A route has been identified and we are working with the Coal Creek Canyon Fire Department toward completion. Stay tuned for more developments by signing up for updates

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Project 4. Education Event


The annual Crescent Park Community Fire Protection Association education event is scheduled for Saturday, May 18, 2024 from 9:30AM to 11:00AM. The event will be held here in our community, specific location to be announced at a later date. The event will include information on fire mitigation efforts, HIZ audits and an update on the alternate evacuation route. It will also feature speakers from the Colorado State Forest Service and our local Fire Department. Further communications are forthcoming via email and postings to this site.


Read the Crescent Park Community Wildfire Protection Plan (click on PDF)

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