​Protect Your Community
Wildfire Mitigation Resources
Wildfires are a natural part of Colorado’s forests. Three million Coloradans live in a wildland-urban interface, where homes and other structures intermingle with wildland vegetation, you are at risk of being affected by wildfire. Planning ahead and taking action can increase the likelihood your home survives when a wildfire occurs. We can all help make our neighborhood and community a safer place by learning more about how and why wildfires start. Below are a number of links to resources from national, state and county/local organizations - everything you need to know to keep you, your family, and your neighbors safe from wildfire related hazards. Make your home safer and create an emergency evacuation plan with these resources.
Coal Creek Canyon
Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)
The 2024 Coal Creek Canyon CWPP is finished! The full CWPP, along will all the supplemental information, can be found on the CWPP website here, https://coalcreekcwpp.org/. ​
The Crescent Park Community Action Plan is available here. These pages are also available in the Resident Action Plan on pages 33 to 35. Visit https://coalcreekcwpp.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/CCCFPD_ResidentActionPlan_Final.pdf to see the full Resident Action Plan, including details on Home Hardening, Home Ignition Zones, and Evacuation Preparedness.
Emergency Alerts
SIGN UP FOR ALERTS IN MULTIPLE COUNTIES! Emergency Managers recommend signing up for alerts in multiple counties to ensure you receive all notifications and receive them early. For our community, it is recommended that you sign up for emergency alerts in Jefferson, Boulder, and Gilpin Counties.
Jefferson County
Sign up for Lookout Alert and download the Smart911 App at https://www.jeffco.us/473/Emergency-Notifications
Boulder County
Sign up for Boco Alert to receive Boulder County's alerts at https://bouldercounty.gov/safety/emergency/
Gilpin County
Sign up for Hyper-reach to receive Gilpin County's alerts at https://www.gilpincountysheriff.com/emergency-management
National, State & County Resources
Colorado Forest Service Property Wide Assessments
The Forest Service charges $93/hour for Property Wide Assessments (roughly 4-8 hours). This service is free for Boulder County residents through Wildfire Partners at Boulder County - https://wildfirepartners.org/ - with some grant funds for use towards the implementation of the HIZ work needed. Homeowners who are interested in a property-wide assessment should contact Dan Allen at Daniel.Allen@colostate.edu.
Home Safety Preparedness
Firewise: How to Prepare Your Home For Wildfires
Firewise Volunteer Forms
We use these Firewise Volunteer forms to track our community's efforts and maintain our Firewise Status. These forms are submitted to Firewise annually at the end of the year for the entire community. Please complete the forms to take credit for the work you've done! Send your forms to crescentparkfireprotection@gmail.com.
Volunteer/In-kind tracking sheet (PDF)
Matching funds form for homeowners (PDF)
Other Resources
Local Contractors and Resources
Good People Tree Service
Timberline Fire's Mitigation Crew