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Food, Fun and Fire Safety Tips on June 17th

Crescent Park Neighbors and Coal Creek Friends, the time for congregating in community to learn about fire protection has arrived! The Crescent Park Community Fire Protection Association (CPCFPA) is hosting our first community event this coming Friday, June 17th from 6 pm to 9 pm at the CCCIA Hall. Fiery food and spicy mocktails will fuel our enthusiasm to bid on many wonderful auction items -- from massages and facials, to acupuncture sessions, to art, quilts and personal product baskets. We will also take the time to honor representatives of the Coal Creek Canyon Fire Department and hear from Fire District Chief Garret Ball. Come meet the CPCFPA volunteer board to learn about our developing efforts to keep Crescent Park safe in the event of a wildfire in our area. But most of all, come join in the fun, win some door prizes, meet your neighbors, and help us express our gratitude to all of our amazing and generous sponsors. Their sponsorships and donations will help us qualify for grants as well as initiate many ambitious fire mitigation projects this Summer. There's no need to RSVP but if you wish to let us know you're coming, please send us an email at so we can plan our food and beverage amounts.

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